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Nature of women

 Nature of women

The natures of women

This is because the natures of men are well known, and knowledgeable people have written many books about that, and no one felt what the female suffers from, despite the fact that increased attention causes water to spill from the mouth of the cup, as after it is full, there is no room for water. The man does not feel the problems that the female suffers from in terms of her body, and God has made light of the problems that the female suffers from, as stated in the provisions of menstruation and other things. The female may be born dissatisfied with her femininity, so she wants to be a man, so she becomes a man, thus losing the system in which she was created, and the balance of her mind and heart is disturbed... as a result of her rejection of what he is. As for the female’s deficiency in what is mentioned about her, it is due to the perfection of her femininity, and it is of no use to try to complete the deficiency, as this is impossible, except for the one who is reminded of her perfection.. And every female has a dream of marriage, childbearing, life, and the desired freedom that is restricted by basic teachings, and if some of them deny their desire to marry, then this is not to be believed.. However, Some people have a shyness that makes their lively heart hardly accept the idea of marriage or anything like that. The female is jealous, so she is jealous of her husband, she is jealous of her sisters, and she is jealous of her neighbors. Jealousy is one of women’s natures, and you rarely find a female who is not jealous. Therefore, if you are a man, consider this and put it in your account. The female loves to receive attention that reassures her feelings, soothes her little heart, and preserves a destiny for her in the man’s heart. Girls, or females more generally, do not keep their secrets except a few, and for this reason I say that every female who wants to have the rare personality: mystery in girls. Today has become small, and therefore the most beautiful characteristic after creation and religion is that you are mysterious and not talkative, and you have drawn boundaries and the ways to reach you are limited.. This is from the philosophy of natures. I hope I am not mistaken. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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